October - December 2020

December 11, 2020

In our final release before 2021, additional automation has been added to the Shipwell platform. These changes help logistics managers manage risk, give a better customer experience, and assist with logistic execution.

Carrier status changes recorded carrier details

Shipwell now tracks the last time the carrier status is changed in the Carrier Details screen. The Date and User who made the status change will be recorded and displayed just below the Carrier Status field.

Add ad hoc email address to Shipments

When using the Quick View Shipment Contacts option to send email communications to any contact points on the shipment, the user can now add additional email addresses not currently associated with the shipment.

Custom stop fields and order name on Order Bulk Import tool

Custom stop data and order names are now included in the bulk import tool. If these information fields are provided as part of the import tool, the data will populate the order form upon creation.

For the stop custom data to map correctly, the column headers of the import for those fields must be added to the template and labeled:

  • PU
  • DEL

Shipment request - Change company

If a company has customers (Manage > Customers), the user initiating a shipment request will now have the ability to select the customer for which the request should be created.

When the Request Shipment link is selected, and the modal is displayed, companies with companies will see a drop-down allowing them to select from their customers' list.

Add orders modal refactor

The orders modal that displays when you select to add orders to an existing shipment has been improved to provide more information allowing for a better-informed decision.

The list of orders displayed when you click Add Order from an existing shipment has been filtered so that only unassigned orders are presented.

The updated modal includes:

  • Order Number
  • Order Name
  • Customer
  • Supplier
  • Origin
  • Destination

The functionality provided with the new modal:

  • You can select one or more orders by clicking on the check box to the left of the desired order
  • You can sort all columns of data
  • You can search for orders using the search field

Updates to routing guide emails

Routing Guides may include Email actions as part of their workflow to alert people at certain points while processing the Routing Guide.

Typical uses are to email someone when a Routing Guide is first triggered if a primary did not take the load or when a guide completes and no carrier is assigned.

With this release, those emails - whose messages are user-defined - now include a reference to the Shipment that triggered the emails and a link back to it. This allows recipients to know exactly which Shipment was associated with the guide and easily open it up to view progress or tag action.

Update Stop Events

New Stop Events are added to the available actions that may occur on a Stop.

Currently, these will only be added to a Stop manually by selecting it from the available Stop Events but automatically trigger Timeline Events for a full audit trail.

The new Stop Events included:

  • Carrier Removed from Shipment
  • Actual Arrival Time Updated
  • Completed Time Updated
  • Detention Loading
  • Detention Unloading

Bug fixes

  • Renaming saved dashboards for managing purchase orders : A bug has been corrected to display two forms when a user attempted to rename a saved dashboard. We now display only one, consistent with our design framework.
  • Line item weight not displaying in dashboard tooltip : Before this release, the items' weight was not populating the Items modal. Now, the items modal displays as a dashboard tooltip.

November 27, 2020

This release highlights a new mobile app experience for owner-operators and international parcel support for existing parcel partners on the Shipwell platform.

Owner Operator - Mobile

Owner-operators can now book loads, set up assets, and send shipment tracking updates via the Shipwell Mobile app. Contact your Shipwell Customer Representative to convert your account.

Email Points of Contact through Shipment actions

A Shipment Contacts icon has been added to the Shipment Dashboard Actions column, allowing users to easily create email notifications to all Points of Contact associated with the shipment.

Company name filter

Two new filters have been added, allowing users to search by the company name associated with a shipment.

  • Pickup Company
  • Delivery Company

Tables setting improvements

All tables have defaulted to 50 rows. The tables that are affected are:

  • Dashboard
  • Loadboard
  • Orders
  • Carriers
  • Users
  • Customers
  • Address Book
  • Products
  • Drivers
  • Equipment
  • Routing Guides
  • Routing Guides > Contracts
  • Routing Guides > SLA
  • Shipment Requests

The table selector options are now consistent across all tables. Values users can select from are now the same for all tables:

  • 10
  • 20
  • 50
  • 100

Trailer # displays on Dashboard

Users can now add the Trailer # column to their shipment dashboard. When this column is activated, trailer #s that have been assigned to shipments will be displayed.

International Parcel Shipping

Customers now have the ability to ship international small parcel via the platform. This functionality is available for the following carriers:

  • FedEx
  • UPS
  • USPS

If an international address is entered in the stop address fields, the following additional fields will be required to ship internationally:

  • Number of Pieces
  • Value per Piece
  • Country of Manufacture
  • Order line items update shipment line items

If an order is added to a shipment and line items of the order are changed, the line items on the shipment that contains the order will also be updated. If any of the following actions are taken on an order's line items, the shipment will be updated.

  • Line item details are updated (qty, description, weight, dimensions, etc.)
  • Line items are added
  • Line items are deleted

Company custom data available to carriers and 3PLs

Anyone involved with a shipment will now have visibility to the customs data created by the other entities involved in the shipment. The data will only be viewable to users outside of the company for which the custom data was created. Only users of the company that created the custom data can make edits.

Bug fixes

  • New Carrier Receiving Old Carrier’s Rate Confirmation : A bug has been corrected to allow carriers to receive Rate Confirmations intended for other carriers when a shipment had to be re-tendered.
  • Default Tags by User Now Applied to Consolidation to Quote : If a user has default tags applied to their profile and orders are consolidated to a quote, the default tags are now being applied quote.

November 13, 2020

This release focuses on adding further supply chain compliance under the Shipwell umbrella.

Pricing intel available in the API

The pricing intel tool is now available via four pricing intel endpoints.

Two features unique to the pricing intel API:

Radius Search

When you request historical company data (via the /historical endpoint), a pickup_radius and drop_off_radius can be specified. The response will include shipments originating at the pickup address plus any specified pickup_radiusand terminating at the drop off address plus any specified drop_off_radius. Previously, pickup_radius and drop_off_radius were hidden and set to zero miles.

Expanded Market Forecast

When you request market forecast data (via the /forecast/market endpoint), an integer number of days (up to 14 days) into the future can be specified for which the Shipwell Market Composite will be forecasted.

Quick view notes and message in Shipments

You can now quickly view notes and messages from the Shipment Dashboard Actions column, allowing users to easily create and access notes and messages associated with the shipment. When notes or messages exist on the shipment, the icons will appear bold in the column. If there are no existing notes or messages, the icons will appear grayed out, but you can still click the icons to gain access to the notes and messages screens where they can begin to add new entries.

Change FMCSA updates from monthly to daily

The FMCSA carrier updates have moved from a monthly update to a daily update. This carrier information includes their Safety Rating, Safety Rating Date, and Operating Authority Status. This updated data can be viewed in the Carrier Details screen.

Correctly display FMCSA operating authority status

Previously, the carrier’s MC Number was displayed in the Operating Authority Status field on the Carrier Details screen. The page now displays the Operating Authority Status, including values of, Active, Inactive, Pending, or None.

Lowest bids display on the Load Board screen

You can now access the Load Board and can view shipment details will now have visibility to the three lowest competing bid amounts on the shipment, in addition to viewing their own bidding history. Also, users will see the total number of bids that have been submitted for the shipment.

Notification when ELD tracking stops

If Shipwell receives ELD tracking information for a shipment, the system will now monitor the shipment while in transit to ensure tracking data does not stop for the shipment duration. The system will create an email notification if four consecutive time periods pass where the system does not receive an update. For example, if Shipwell receives ELD updates every 15 minutes from a carrier, the notification would be created if 60 minutes go by without receiving an update.

You can subscribe to this notification by selecting Profile & Preferences > Notifications, under Shipment Stopped Tracking.

Set default tags by user

You now have the ability to set default tags for your profile. These tags will be automatically applied to all shipments that are created.

Sort SLAs on committed capacity

SLAs can be sorted by most of the columns in the master list view. Go to Manage > Routing Guides > SLAs.

Bug fixes

A tentative fix is being explored for reports of tenders not sending email notifications upon initiation.

October 28, 2020

Two new integration went live during this release: RMIS and Big Roads, simplify shipper and broker compliance in a single pane of glass, as well as capacity to track shipment across the US with positional data.

It also includes the usual fixes and enhancements.

Registry Monitoring Insurance Services (RMIS)

An integration to RMIS data has been added allowing customers to import carrier data from this monitoring 3rd party vendor. You will need to have an existing relationship and account with RMIS in order to activate the service within Shipwell.

Customers will be able to set up this integration on their own by accessing the RMIS tile on the Manage > Company > Integrations page.

Integrated RMIS data includes:

  • DOT and MC Numbers
  • FMCSA Safety Rating
  • Operating Authority
  • Insurance Policy Information
  • Policy Effective and Expiration Dates
  • Policy Limits
  • Policy Ratings
  • RMIS Certification Status

Big Roads ELD

ELD providers can now allow Shipwell to receive ELD locations from Big Roads equipped carriers. Contact you Shipwell representative for more details.

Quick view Shipment documents

A new column has been added to the Shipment Dashboard that allows users to select a quick view icon to access all documents associated with the shipment. Document types can include Rate Confirmations, Bills of Lading, Invoices, or any other document tied to the shipment.

Create new power units

On the Shipment Details screen, in the Carrier & Equipment card, the user has the ability to edit the assigned Power Unit for the shipment. This option will display a list of all Power Units set up by the carrier and stored in their Manage > Equipment > Power Units list.

If the Power Unit is not available in the carrier’s list, the user has the ability to enter in and assign a new Power Unit to the shipment. When this happens, the new Power Unit will be added to the carrier's equipment list and be available to be assigned to future shipments. The carrier point of contact will be sent an email notification informing them who added the power unit and letting them know it has been added to their equipment list.

Load board default filter set to next 7 days

In order to speed up the performance of the Load Board, the initial default filter is set to 7 days. The user still has the ability to customize the Pickup Date range when viewing the Load Board, but the initial value will now default to 7 days. This is indicated near the filter icon when the user first enters the screen.

Notifications for Trailer ID change

When a trailer ID is added to a shipment, or if an existing trailer ID is changed on a shipment, the system will generate an email notification with the new trailer information. This email will be sent to the user who created the shipment, as well as all the stop points of contact associated with the shipment. If there are multiple POC’s for a location on the shipment, all of the contacts will receive the email notification.

Global search includes custom data fields

Global search functionality for custom data has been extended to orders.

You can now search across the platform for any custom data fields that have been created and applied to the following objects:

  • Shipments
  • Company
  • Orders

Emails include custom stop data

Custom stop data is now included in emails that are generated from the platform.

Search Shipments and Orders by person

You now have the ability to search for shipments that were created by certain individuals by entering the name in the Created By filter on the shipment dashboard.

For orders, multiple users can be entered into the Created By filter.

Charge types in financials dropdown

Line items, Team Driver and Layover have been added to the category dropdown within the shipment financials section.

Add order name field to orders

Users now have the ability to define an order name for Orders that are created. This is an optional field that will further help users identify their orders.

Add customer filter to Shipment dashboard

A filter has been added to the Shipment Dashboard that allows a user to view shipments by Customer. This is important to carriers who are partnered with more than one Shipwell customer and would like users to view only shipments from certain customers.

Stop status controls now on the dashboard

Stop Status quick actions have been added to the Dashboard Side Panel for easily updating Shipments without having to open up each individual Shipment.

Email contact with routing guides expire

Routing Guides may have start and end dates associated with them. If the Routing Guide should not be used past the end date, an email digest is sent out weekly to notify an administrator of all Routing Guides that will reach the end date in the next month.

The email lists all Routing Guides that are approaching the defined end date and links directly to the Routing Guides so the administrator can rectify the issues immediately.

Email contact with routing guides become unexecutable

When a Routing Guide has an issue (e.g., a contact in the system is removed but on several Routing Guides), those guides may not properly execute. Additionally, it may not be immediately known that a Routing Guide was compromised.

Now, email digests are sent out daily to notify a defined administrator that there are issues on one or more guides.

The email lists the Routing Guides that have issues, the step the issue is on, and what the problem is. The email also links directly to the Routing Guides so the administrator can rectify the issues immediately.

October 14, 2020

As the scale of the Shipwell platform grows, the need for further customization to meet your development needs becomes paramount. Therefore, the release emphasizes new custom field options for shipments and orders and global search, which simplifies how to find shipment information.

Stop statues

Stop statues allow dispatchers or administrators to track loads that contain details at the stop-level, including events and flags. Capturing these activities provide greater visibility to the progress of a load while in transit.

Stops can set many activities while en route to a stop or at the stop with reason codes when appropriate. For most common actions (like arriving and departing stops), capturing those events only requires selecting the time.

Stop flags call attention to potential issues that may need to be addressed, including running late or early, waiting, or generic alerts to be called out.

Flags can be added manually or automatically.

Additionally, certain stop events update the Shipment’s status, including Dispatched, At Pickup, Picked Up/In Transit, At Delivery, and Delivered.

Tender sorting in Routing Guide generation

Tenders added to a Routing Guide now automatically sort from the lowest to the highest rate. With this change, Routing Guides now include tenders and contracted rates. From the Routing Guide page in the Contracts section, select the contract or tenders rates which you want to add to a Routing Guide, and then select Create Guide.

Email notification expire within one month

For contracts that are about to expire, emails are now sent weekly, notifying shippers and 3PLs of the pending expiration.

Contract notifications are sent out weekly on Sundays at midnight for all contracts to expire in one month time.

Specifically, “expiring” means a contract is Active and has an End Date set to within one month.

Stop custom reference fields

You can now create custom data fields for stops that make up a shipment, which displays in the following areas:

  • New quote page
  • New shipment page
  • Shipment confirmation page
  • Shipment details page
  • New Order page
  • Order Detail page
  • BOL
  • Rate Confirmation

If an order containing values for stop custom data fields is consolidated into either a shipment or quote, those stop custom data fields will be passed to the shipment or quote created as a result of the consolidation. Only two custom fields can be displayed for stops.

Display person who created Shipments or Orders

The name of the individual that created a shipment or order displays on their respective details page.

If an order is consolidated by a different user than the order's originator, the new user displays as the creator of the Shipment.

Global search includes custom data fields

Users can now search across the platform for any custom data fields that have been created and applied to the following objects:

  • Shipments
  • Customer Profile

Pricing intel algorithm

An update to the model for Today's Predicted Pricing within the pricing intel tool makes predictions more accurate.

Predicted pricing results cleared between queries

Between successive requests made to the Pricing Intel tool, the previously returned Today’s Predicted Pricing results are cleared. Specifically, MY REFERENCE PRICE and MARKET RANGE display as "$--" when the inputs (i.e., Stop 1 Address, Stop 2 Address, Equipment Type) are changed and before new results are returned.

This avoids potential confusion as to which set of inputs the currently displayed results refer.

MY REFERENCE PRICE supports click-to-copy functionality

In the Today's Predicted Pricing section of the Pricing Intel tool, the MY REFERENCE PRICE now has a click-to-copy functionality.

Bug fixes

  • A correction was made so that when a user selects to create a new order, the line item card is expanded, eliminating the user's need to click on the line item to open it.
  • If one or more line items within an order have validation errors, those line items will be displayed in their open state, allowing them to see the error more easily.
  • Fixed a bug that closed modals before the user finished working in them.
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