Managing freight invoices

Shipwell enables the management of freight invoices including the generation or upload of invoice documents and related information.

Create an Invoice

Freight invoices may be created in several ways by utilizing the Shipwell user interface or the API. To learn more about Freight invoices, click here.

Supported Invoice Upload and API File Formats

The following file formats are supported for invoice processing via UI or API upload: PDF, TIFF, PNG, JPG

Create an Invoice via API

Learn how to create a freight invoice via API here.

Create an Invoice via UI Upload

Shipwell supports extracting invoice information using machine learning and computer vision and running it through Settlement First Pass Match when a company or carrier uploads an invoice as a document (e.g. PDF, PNG, JPG). These uploaded invoices can be sent via Shipwell's web interface, mobile application, or via API.

Once an invoice has been received then the information is processed, run through Settlement First Pass Match, and the results displayed within Shipwell in under 30 seconds. Uploaded invoice information extracted includes the following when available:

  • Invoice #
  • Invoiced Total
  • Carrier Name
  • Carrier Due Date

The In-App Uploaded Invoice capability must be turned on for customers (aka shippers) and the carriers they wish to use it (contact customer support or your account representative to enable the functionality).


Customers may also share the carrier-oriented How-To: In-App Uploaded Invoice knowledgebase article with their carriers. This article and accompanying video follow a carrier-centric perspective of in-app uploaded invoices.

Either the customer (aka shipper) or the carrier may upload an invoice (in one of the supported file formats, i.e. PDF, PNG, TIFF, JPG) on a shipment.

This upload is performed by navigating to the documents section for a shipment within that shipment in the web-app or mobile and uploading an invoice. Click/tap the document Upload button and icon to select and upload an invoice document/file.

Upload invoice button

The customer or user uploading the invoice needs to select Invoice as the upload type to enable invoice processing.

Set upload type as invoice


The document type for an uploaded invoice must be set to Invoice for automated processing and Settlement First Pass Match to occur.

Once this occurs, and the customer has In-App Uploaded Invoice functionality enabled in their account, then the invoice will be processed. The information in the screenshots below is extracted after the invoice is run through Settlement First Pass Match is displayed both in the Invoices Received section or card in the UI and the Settlement Dashboard for invoice recipients. This information will also be displayed within the Invoices Sent section or card for the carrier.

Extracted and processed invoice data from document 1

Extracted and processed invoice data from document 2

Then the invoice would be processed according any exception review and payment procedures.

Create an Invoice via UI Web App Generation

An invoice may be generated in the Shipwell app by completing the necessary information and generating an invoice from within the Shipwell web application.

Shipwell allows user to create in-app generated invoices without being connected to a Financial Management System. Once an in-app generated invoice has been created then it is run through Settlement First Pass Match and the results displayed within Shipwell. This support includes:

  • In-App Generated Invoices
    • Users with permission can generate invoices within Shipwell for their customer on the Shipment Details page. This permission is set up by user or by company.
  • Store Invoice Data
    • In-app generated invoices are stored within Shipwell
  • First Pass Match
    • Shipwell performs Settlement First Pass Match comparing the in-app generated invoice received against what is expected and identifies differences. Learn more about First Pass Match here .
  • Display Invoice Data
    • In-app generated invoice key information is taken and displayed within the Settlement Dashboard and within the Invoices Received / Invoices Received cards within the Shipment Details page
  • Generate Invoice PDF
    • An invoice PDF of the in-app generated invoice will be generated and stored in the shipment and settlement documents
  • New Invoice Emails and Notifications
    • Send an email (with invoice attached) and in-app notification to in-app generated invoice recipient as long as the parties have Invoice Activity turned on in their Profile & Preferences settings

Contact your Shipwell customer support representative if you are interested in setting up In-App Generated Invoices for carriers to create invoices themselves or if you are interested in generating In-App Generated Invoices for your customers.

To generate an invoice within Shipwell, a user with permissions and access to this functionality will navigate to the Financials tab on the Shipment Details of the shipment they wish to generate an invoice for.

Create invoice button

Then click or tap the + Create Invoice button. This will trigger the open of the Create New Invoice modal. The user will then add details related to the invoice such as:

  • Invoice Info (Invoice #, Due Date, Message to Customer)
  • Financials (Pre-populated with shipment financials)
  • Documents (Pre-populated with shipment documents but more can be added)
  • Remit To

Create invoice modal

After filling out items related to the invoice that are needed for generating the invoice, then the user will click or tap Send and it will generate the invoice that will be stored in the shipment documents along with sending an email and in-app notification to the shipment representatives for the shipment.

Example Generated Invoice


Example generated invoice

Each invoice sent will display high-level invoice information within the Settlement Dashboard on the appropriate tab.

Invoice grid or list

Each invoice sent will display high-level invoice information, as available, in the Invoices Received and Invoices Sent cards in the Financials tab on the Shipment Details page.

Users can click or tap the Docs icon (document or clipboard with a document) and open the settlement documents identified for that particular invoice.

Invoices received

Invoices sent

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