What is supplier portal?

Shipwell Supplier Portal provides a platform for Shipwell customers to collaborate with their suppliers on inbound freight. Enable the following and more with Shipwell Supplier Portal:

  • Create and manage suppliers and associated supplier contacts
  • Create purchase orders within Shipwell
  • Identify when all or partial orders are ready to be shipped and ensuring necessary transportation information and documentation (e.g. packing slip) are provided
  • Send customers and suppliers key order-related emails and notifications
  • Provide customers and suppliers visibility into orders as they are being shipped

Shipwell Supplier Portal is in early access for select customers. If you are an existing Shipwell customer and want early access to Shipwell Supplier Portal contact sales here or your customer support representative.

Technical prerequisites

To manage orders (purchase, sales, transfer, etc. orders), suppliers, shipments, and other supplier portal functionality through the API, you must fulfill the following technical prerequisites:

  • Have access to the Sandbox environment in Shipwell, including the ability to Authenticate into the sandbox environment with your account user-token .
  • Either a command-line interface with bash or a tool such as Postman .

Getting started

To get started with Shipwell Supplier Portal API, follow this guide on How to Create a Supplier?.

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